HIV can be cured?? first time been heard? so am I!!!
- Developed in India more than 4000 years ago, Ayurveda is an integrated, physiotherapeutic medical system based upon the universal natural law of balancing the five elements (Ether, Air, Water, Fire and Earth) that make up the physical body. When one or more of these elements go out of balance because of improper life style, various diseases and mental disturbances occur. The Tridoshas called Vatha, Pitha and Kapha need to function in harmony with each other as well as with the five basic elements of the universe (Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether) to stay healthy.
- Most illnesses arise due to the imbalance in functioning of any one or two of the Tridoshas, which leads to the malfunctioning of the internal organs. Ayurveda basically strengthens the body’s immune system against diseases. It treats the root cause of the disease rather than the disease itself, thereby permanently curing the disease without recurrence.
- According to Ayurveda the AIDS disease may be correlated with "Kshaya' or "Ojakshaya' meaning loss of energy. The Symptoms and causative factors and treatment for the latter are found mentioned in many ancient Ayurvedic tests like, Charaka Samhitha, Bhavaprakasha,Vaidyachintamani and Chakradatta etc., Shosha is another condition, which results from loss of energy that is similar to AIDS.
- The disease is caused by the dominant kapha dosha along with the other doshas tends to block the path for the flow of rasadi dhatus in their respective locations thus resulting in the deterioration of saptha dhatu Rasa(plasma), Rakta (blood cells),Mansa ( muscular tissue), Meda (adipose tissue), Asthi (bony tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and the Shukra (reproductive tissue). thus resulting into the disease.
All seems not lost for the HIV infected persons as the Ayurvedic supplements are proven to be harmless without any side effects and there can only be improvement and not deterioration.
An example of an Ayurvedic remedy which may be of use in the treatment of persons diagnosed with AIDS is 'Rasayana' because it is considered as the most useful and most popular rejuvenator tonic(Rasayana) of Ayurveda.
This is an Ayurvedic herbal formula which increases ojas, and restores the digestive, eliminative, respiratory and sexual systems. It is frequently employed in wasting conditions where it has been clinically shown to improve health and assist with weight gain. The main ingredient in Rasayana is 'Amalaki'- the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), which has the highest yield of natural source vitamin C, with 3000 mg per fruit. It is also a rich source of naturally occurring anti-oxidants including bioflavonoids, vitamin B-complex and carotenes (vitamin A). Studies suggest that this berry possesses antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It assists digestion, lowers high blood pressure and lowers blood cholesterol. Clinical research has shown that it accelerates repair of muscle and skin and enhances natural anti-inflammatory substances. It also contains about 35 others herbs which amplify and augment the effects of its main ingredient; such a powerful formulation may indeed be helpful in the treatment of persons who have been diagnosed HIV Positive.
Rasayana Syrup (15ml 4 times daily) for first 25 days
CFA-QR (2 tablets 4 times daily) from day 26th to 100th
Eyasm (2 tablets 4 times daily) 1-100days
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